THeravada Buddhist Meditation Course in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin and Mother Sayamagyi

Next courses: 

Thu 17 - Sun 27 April 202510 Day CourseKiental, BE
Fri  01 - Mon 04 November 2024Weekend CourseCanton Berne

Teaching language: German (instructions in English possible)

Application form

Beginning with the base of morality, training in concentration is taught using Anapana meditation (mindfulness of breathing). Through learning to calm and control the mind during the first five days, the student quickly appreciates the advantages of a steady and balanced mind.

Vipassana meditation is practised throughout the remainder of the period. Vipassana is a process that enables the student to develop awareness of the natural characteristics of impermanence, suffering and non-self through personal experience. Practised with diligence the gradual process of mental purification will lead to the end of suffering and to full Enlightenment or Nibbana.

How much does it cost? There has never been any charge for the Buddha's Teachings. However, there is a suggested donation of CHF 680 for a ten-day course, which is put towards the cost of food and accommodation.

For further information: Eugen Jung, teacher, phone: 0041 (0)31 991 61 41 or anzeigen

Sayagyi U Ba Khin Gesellschaft Schweiz

Find more information about the tradition and the technique on the International Meditationcentre UK website.